Updated: Jul 18, 2023
Okay so you want to get started in your garden or always state that ‘your garden is too small to do anything in’. Well, whether you want to become a green fingered know it all, miniature farmer, help the bees or just love the beauty of a garden and want to enhance this as much as possible the size of your garden should not stop you. I understand that you can run into a problem if your garden is not the larges size but this should not stop you from making the most of it. Additionally, if you have no garden at all you can still do a lot to grow some wondrous plants. Today's, technologies and methods able you to fully utilise your property to meet all your growing needs. Examples of amazing use of small space can be highlighted in the famous Chelsea Flower Show, which although it may still be bigger than your backyard shows you some amazing things you can achieve in a confined space. I am writing this not just from a research perspective but as I have recently moved into my own property the garden is a bit limited on space. So if you are in a similar position such as those on new housing development with ever shrinking gardens or you only have a small balcony on your flat or you have no garden at all; here is my advice and tips you can use to get the most out of your limited area:

Vertical space:
This is defiantly the best option and easy to do. Although the area of your garden may not be the greatest but you still have the space upwards. You can add a lot of space to your garden by utilising vertical space throughout your garden. You can implement some of the following methods:

Stacking system – You can now get pots that can stack on top of each other and then grow all around them. Stack them to a height that suits you and put in a number of plants you want.
Rack system – This is similar to the stacking system but is racked, meaning it is often not on top of each other and takes up a little bit more space. However, can be great use of space and allows you access to your plants without bending down.
Trellis – A trellis is a framework that can be used for climbing plants to attache to. Add one to provide some green up your walls or fences.
Wall mounted – There are many systems that can be implemented onto the wall or fence and then have a number of pots or troughs added to them to grow in.
Hanging pots – Much like the wall mounted system, wall hooks can be put on the wall and stunning pot full of flowers can hang on them.
High plants – There are a large number of plants that naturally grow upwards, so get a few of those to add more colour to your garden.
Don’t stick to the back garden:
This is a frustrating one because it is so obvious but often overlooked. You can utilise your front garden just as much as your back. In many cased your front garden could even be larger than your back, so why not make the use of this space. However, there are is a ton of space that you can use and plant a large number of plants in. Whether you are putting in some flowers beds or adding a large shrub, start planting in your front garden. Although it is rare it can even be used to grow any fruits or vegetables, so make sure to use this space.

Don’t stick to the outside:
Okay, you have got as much use out of your garden or you don’t have a garden but you still want to grow many plants. Well simply, move inside where there is tons of space you can use. Even though part of gardening is being outside and enjoying the sun you can still bring some of that beautiful and usefulness indoors. You can grow a great amount indoors to brighten up your space and create amazing ‘décor’ to improve your home. Additionally, you can grow a number of plants that you can eat and grow; most the herbs I grow are indoors. Implementing plants into your life has been shown to have many psychological improvements to the people who view them, so even if you don’t have a garden you should defiantly add some plants into your house.

Get Creative:
Now this can be anything and even included the above I have mentioned but you should really try to think outside the box. You could turn your shed into a green roof or creating a platform above a bin areas to other elaborate and interesting structures all designed to make more space for you to grow whatever you want.

Get an allotment:
Finally, if you don’t have a garden at all or it is extremely lacking space, get on a list to get an allotment. An allotment is often quite cheap and can be used for the majority of your garden needs or desires. They can be considerable size, come with a shed, maybe even a green house and is perfect to grow fruit and veg. A bonus with this is that there is often many people their who can also help you with whatever you want to grow.

I want to see more people get out and enjoy the environment, wildlife and importantly plants. Not just for the benefits of the environment and wildlife but also due to the psychological and health benefits many studies have stated and that I believe you can get from viewing plants. However, I am sure you are already interested in growing your own food, beautiful flower and other plants but may be struggling to achieve this due to the space you have. Well don’t let anything stop you and make the most of what you have through using some of my tips above. Whether you use vertical space, bring it indoors, get an allotment or come up with a new place to grow what you love. Whatever it is make sure to get growing. Send me what you have done to make the most of your space via my Social Medias (Up there, right corner!).