Updated: Feb 4, 2023

There is often a long debate on whether animals that are extincted in the wild should be reintroduced. Well, as there are recent talks to whether the Lynx should be introduced into the UK I thought I would weigh in. The primary concerns with reintroducing the Lynx are the effects it might have on other animals and on the local environment. However, on the other hand there is huge debate about the large cat being part of British heritage and our history, so therefore should be reintroduced. Here, I look at what the Lynx is, why it became extincted in the UK, why it is potentially being reintroduced and the objections to this.
So, what is a Lynx?
The Lynx is four species of medium-sized wild cats, which includes the bobcat. The name “Lynx” originated in Middle England via Latin. The cat is a carnivorous mammal that is between 22-44lb, approximately 1.2 meters in length and is a solitary animal. One, of the notable features of the Lynx is the tufts of hair on top of its ears that helps to improve their hearing.

What is being introduced?
There are current talks to reintroduce 6 Eurasian Lynx (4 female, 2 male) from Sweden to the UK, as part of the reintroduction projects for predators. The plan is to introduce the Lynxes to the Kielder Forest in Northumberland, which has 250 square miles covered by forest. Each Lynx will be fitted with a GPS collar and introduce over a 5-year trial.
Why did they become extinct?
There are debates to the actual reason why they went extinct in the UK but the two main reasons are; hunting and habitat loss, both of course being caused by humans (so it is our fault). They have been absent from the UK for over 1,000 years but do remain in many European countries. After recent reforestation in Northern UK, it is believed the environment created will be able to sustain the wild cats.
What are the main concerns?
There a number of concerns with introducing the feral cats into Northern England. This is mainly from sheep associations and the farming community. Additionally, there are debates about the current wildlife and the affect it might have on them, as well as the money spent on the introduction of these wild cats that could be used to help the current wildlife. The main concern for the current wildlife is with the deer population but this is countered by the fact that the Lynx’s will help to control the rise in their population benefitting the wild. Additionally, although the local residence are excited about the prospect of the Lynx being introduced they are concerned over the safety for themselves and their pets. Finally, it is still unclear whether the area and wildlife will be enough to support them.

What do I think?
Personally, I think it would be great to see such an amazing creature once part of our heritage brought back to the wild. I believe prior to the full introduction of these animals there needs to be proper studies to understand the problems that may arise and if these can be mitigated or be counted as beneficial. This is mainly the effects to the current, possibly endangered wildlife in the areas they are planned to be introduced. Having said this, I believe we have a duty to rehabilitate the wild cat, due to it extinction being caused by us (humans). Anyway, I would love to hear your thoughts and input on it, so message me on social media or in the comments below. Do you think the UK should reintroduce the Eurasian Lynx? Do you think the Kielder Forest can sustain the 6 wild cats? Do you think the surrounding wildlife will be adversely affected?

Updated: Feb 4, 2023
After many, many years of the devastation that plastic has caused to the environment, it is finally getting the notoriety it needs to change it. Quite simply, plastic is destroying the planet you live in or at least many of the innocent, incredible and amazing creatures in it. I am sure you have seen horrible images of plastic bottles, wrappers and other items that litter the countryside or perhaps the more recent images on the internet of beautiful animals that have been killed due to the plastic humans have carelessly chucked into the environment. Well in this article I am going to look at the problems with plastic, the affect it is having and how you can prevent this negative impact. It is important to understand that it is not just knowing the impact of the these issues but what you can do and easily change in your life to stop this problem.

The Problem
Globally, around 300 million tons of plastic is produced with only 10% of this is recycled. Each UK household will produce over a tonne of waste mounting to 31 million tons each year. Of all this waste that is produced each year, around 7 million tons of it, unfortunately ends up in the sea. Additionally, it is important to note that there is a lot of waste that is not plastic but the reason plastic is so important is because it does not degrade over time, making it an issue for tens to hundreds of years to come, so I hope you can see the problem. However, if you are still not convinced of the impact plastic is having already here are some key aspects that plastic affect:

Animals and wildlife: As seen in the news and most arguably the sadist affect is those on our wildlife. To put it bluntly animals are being harmed, hurt and killed by plastic. This is having a large effect on marine life and birds, often resulting in a slow and painful death and leads to the many animals downfall in population.
Visual: Plastic is ruining many sites that could be very beautiful. Whether it is the beach, local parks or just around the city, town or village centre the sight of rubbish is not pretty. Additionally, it slows down and harms the environment, which is preventing nature and wildlife to grow and thrive.

Landfill: There is a lot of plastic that cannot be recycled and therefore ends up in landfill. I am not going into the problems with landfills but this is an issue. This is incredibly Important with plastic, as it does not degrade, so even when it is buried it stays in the ground and poisons the land for years to come.
To highlight how serious this issue is I believe a quote from Paul Watson summarises it perfectly “If the ocean die, we die”. It is important to note that we are sharing the planet with thousands of species who have the right to be safe and live freely, as much as we do. Please consider the impacts above to give you the motivation and reasons to be part of the prevention and solution below.
The Prevention
It is common knowledge that prevention is always better then remedy or solution and should be the focus on what you do before plastic becomes a further problem than it already is. To help you with this, here are some key steps for prevention:

Use less – Easy to say I know but again it can be easily done. Reduce what you buy in plastic in all aspects and what you can easily change to stop the use of plastic. This can be by not purchasing packaged fruit and vegetables and using reusable bags, instead of the plastic ones supermarkets provide or looking at using a safety razor to stop the plastic from heads of typical modern razors.
Drop less – Whether you just ‘missed’ the bin, left it right by the bin or just left it on the floor in a location because everyone else was doing it, something many of us have been guilty of, try to stop it. Put your rubbish into a bin, preferably a recycled one to stop litter entering the environment. This is seen a lot on chewing gum and cigarette butts, which although is not plastic still should not be tossed on the floor for future generations to clear up. If there is no bin, take it home.

Recycle – As mentioned above ensure all plastic you use goes into a recycling bin, whether at home, at work or outside. Recycling helps to stop plastic going into landfill and wreaking havoc on the environment and wildlife. In the UK a supermarket, Morrisons, have installed reverse-vending machine that take old empty bottles for recycling and give you 10p in return. I have seen similar strategies in other countries but all help to promote recycling plastic, which is always a great step forward. Also check your local supermarket, which might recycle additional palstic such as soft plastic packaging that often cannot go in your weekly recycle pick up.
Reuse – There are so many items that are made of plastic, which have reusable options, such as bags, cups, mugs, bottles and straws to name a few. All of which is an easy change to make that could save you money over time but also help to stop the production of more plastic and the plastic waste you contribute too.

Zero Waste Stores – Recently, there have been a rise in zero waste stores. These quirky stores usually do not have any packaging but bulk products that you can buy often on weight or number. This requires you to bring your own packages (sustainable and reusable) but like above means less waste is created. Find your local store and start using it for your weekly shops.
Use Biodegradable plastic – A final solution is looking for products that use biodegradable plastic. This ensures that it will not have a permanent affect on the environment, as it degrades in a shorter amount of time. Biodegradable is a last resort but stops the long-term impact of plastic.
The Solution
Above are the problems with our waste and plastic and how we can reduce and prevent this problem occurring. However, there is still tonnes of waste and plastic already causing damage and devastation. Here is how you can help be part of the solution:

Clean-up – Start a group, get in touch with a group or just go it on your own to start making a difference. Start a day where you can go through your local park, beach, neighbourhood and other neglected areas to pick up rubbish for recycling and proper disposal. Be aware, if this is being done on a large scale you may need to talk to your local authority about collecting the rubbish at the end. Additionally, take precautions, as some waste can be sharp and dangerous.

Donate – There are many people who help to collect plastic and waste for proper recycling and disposal, even if you don’t do it yourself, you can fund those that do. There are many charities and organisations that help to clean up rubbish and plastic in many areas, so donate to one that is near you to help your local area.
Support – Another way you can help is similar to donating but where you buy products that support or are part of cleaning up the environment. This way you get something in return but also contribute to removing plastic from the environment. Although there are many companies that do this, two of the well-known and popular ones are:
Parley Ocean Plastic: They upcycle waste from beaches and coastal communities before it reaches the ocean. This is then used to make products that you can buy, most notably the Adidas Parley range.

4Ocean: Much like the above but more niche, 4Ocean have created a bracelet using recycled materials. By purchasing one of their bracelets, 1 pound of trash will be removed from the ocean and coastline. They also have limited edition bracelets, which help raise awareness for specific subjects such as the one I got for sharks (above). They also have a range of other products all helping to reduce plastic in the ocean and coastline.

I know this is jumping on the bandwagon shouting about plastic and for the most part you may already be doing your bit but this is becoming a bigger issue and needs solving sooner than later. Not only do we need to prevent plastic becoming a bigger issue, it already has become such an issue we need to rectify it. Plastic is drastically affecting our world, as seen in the current news and social media posts. The effect of which is devastating on innocent creatures that are being killed by us through our actions and neglect. If you are going to take anything away from the above, let it be this. Try to avoid plastic as much as possible, when you do use it ensure it is recycled and look for alternatives that do not damage the environment. Finally, I would love to see what you have done to help the fight against the plastic problem, so show me by sharing it on my social media (up in the right hand corner).
Updated: Feb 3, 2023
I have always been fascinated with peoples' every day carry, even the question of what do you need to carry on you every day to perform your daily tasks is incredibly intriguing. Well for me these items need to meet the requirements of my job, working in a London office with the goal to be sustainable. In this post I look at my key items I carry most days with my focus to be environmentally friendly and sustainable. Here is my Every Day Carry (EDC):
MATRIX Power Watch:

This is a smartwatch that is ‘powered by you’. I love technology but unfortunately it is often not very eco-friendly. However, Matrix came out with a smartwatch that tells the time, send you notifications and records your running activity. The reason this is sustainable is because it never needs to be charged, stopping the waste of typical smartwatches energy usage. It achieves this by using the temperature difference between your skin and the watches case to create an electrical charge and keep the watch powered. I like the rugged design of the watch and its basic functions but in my opinion it does need some work to meet the performance and abilities of other smartwatches. I am hoping this will be achieved in the Powerwatch 2 they plan on releasing in June 2019. Although, this watch does have it's problems, it is the only sustainable smartwatch on the market that I know of. I have also done a full review on this!
Axel Weinbrecht Inkless Metal Pen:

Pens and pencils are not very eco-friendly. The plastic, ink, paint, rubber, wood and other materials all gets wasted, as soon as the ink runs out or the pencil is too short to use, so I began to look for an alternative. This led me to the Axel Weinbrecht Inkless Pen. It is made from metal and states it will never run out, meaning you never create any waste. The pen does feel a little different to use but I have been using it for a number of month now and it hasn’t run out or look any different (shorter) from when I brought it, despite a few scratches. It has a simplistic design and is around the same size as a typical pen. One thing to note, is that it writes fairly faintly, potentially making it hard to read if you struggle with this. Additionally, it writes more like a pencil as it can be rubbed out but it does leave an indent where you have used it. Having said this. taking notes is a critical part of my job and this inkless pen is a great sustainable tool that stops the constant waste from pens and pencils. I also make sure to use recycled paper and a sustainable notebook to further reduce my environmental impact.
Moral Origins Cork wallet:

This wallet was a game changer for me. I have owned an embarrassing amount of wallets but have always found it difficult to find one that hold all of my cards (10), a few notes and a bit of change, whilst also being compact. I also wanted it to be sustainable and ethical. Well after much searching I came across the Moral Origins Cork Wallet. That for me completely meets my requirements including the ethical and sustainable aspects. The only downside to this wallet is that it does not carry a ton of notes. However, I been able to fit five notes behind my cards and If you have less cards you should be able to fit more in. Although, I should note that it is the 21st century and notes are not as commonly used as they were. One small issue with the wallet is that the brass screw would rub on the card potentially wearing them out ( I don't think this is a problem with their new wallet), so I stuck a paper card at the front to stop this from happening. The wallet uses cork, which is a great sustainable product that is durable, strong and vegan. You can buy the new wallet by Moral Origins either made for £15 or you can get it where you have to self-assemble it for £12.50. I went for the self-assembly (it was incredibly easy to assemble) that came with a single piece of cork and two pairs of brass screws that form it unique shape. I should note that I have the older version and Moral Origins wallet and they have come out with a newer one, which I assume is improved. As for mine I have been using this for about 6 months now and it still looks and works great. I have also done a full review of this!
The last item on the list is my keys of course. I aim to not clutter these and consists of my house keys, shed key, bike lock keys and that is it. I try to keep my keys as simple and uncluttered as possible with no keychain.
This is just my EDC that I have adapted to be sustainable but still allows me to carry everything I need on a daily basis. However, yours might be different and I would love to see more sustainable options that may change mine, so share your EDC with me through the comments below and my social media (in the right hand corner). Finally, if you like this article and want me to do a what in my eco-bag article let me know and I will get to work on it.