Updated: Feb 5, 2023
Well like most of you, I have a phone and want to protect but unfortunately most phone cases out there are made out of plastic, which I am sure I do not need to tell you is not the best option when trying to live sustainably. Additionally, if you are anything like me you are prone to dropping your phone and want to protect it from the glass cracking, scratches and ultimately the phone breaking. So whilst looking for a new eco-friendly, sustainable phone case for my Huawei P30 Pro I came across Pela, who make a wide range of eco-friendly phone cases and other products. I had seen them in numerous social media posts and across the internet in the past but never thought much of them at the time. However, now I am in need of a phone case, I decided to order one and see. Here I go into Pela, my phone case from them and to see what makes them so eco-friendly.

What they offer?
Pela offer a wide range of phone cases, not just your typical iPhone cases many companies do, as well as a number of accessories, all with a variation of colours and patterns. Recently I looked on their site and was presently surprised they offer cases for a wide range of iPhone models and a large array of android phones. I was also incredibly surprised by the fact they even had one for my phone, the Huawei P30 Pro, which is often sometimes too niche for most companies to make one for. They also make cases for air pods, as well as a wide range of accessory items such as smart watchbands, phone grips, cardholders and liquid screen protectors.

What is it made of?
The case I picked up is made of a material they call flaxstic, which uses plant based bioplastic elastomers and flax straw, which is a bi-product of flax oil seeds. All of which allows it to be compostable and biodegradable, which of course is great for the environment and a must if you are trying to go zero waste. Pela currently note that their cases are completely compostable and free from a number of harmful materials such as lead, cadmium, BPA and phthalates, allowing it to return to nature once you don’t want it any more. They also try to use renewable resources helping to reduce any negative impact. Further to all this, all their packing is completely recycled and recyclable and can be composted too. It is clear that Pela are keen to help reduce waste for our planet, whilst creating a great product many need.

The case itself
Now Pela are known for their cases and as I have one, I thought it is only fitting to delve into the case and what I think of it. Firstly, getting the case on and off is very easy, it is very flexible allowing you to easily bend it over the corners of either side of your phone, making it quick to put on and off. It has a nice soft, almost rubbery feel to it but at the same time being matte and grippy, so you are less likely to drop it. Additionally, in my opinion it is quite thicker than most phone covers and has a lip over the front screen, helping to protect the phone all together and the glass from smashing from any accidental drops. I also think it looks nice and has a natural organic vibe, which is in line with the companies goals.

More on Pela
If you are looking for a way to reduce your waste, specifically plastic waste and need a phone case, then Pela is probably your best option. They also do more than create a great sustainable product they also help with your understanding through helping to detail the difference between biodegradable and compostable plastics. Additionally, looking through their website it appears they are a transparent company, which is another trait of eco-friendly, green companies. Even further to all this, they are also Climate Neutral Certified, Certified B Corporation and a proud member of 1% for the Planet. On top of all that they donates a % of every sale to Ocean Clean-up and Preservation Initiatives. So it is clear by purchasing from them you are supporting a company who are working hard to better the planet.

To conclude the pela case is probably one of the most eco-friendly cases you can get today, who also offer a wide range of case and other accessories with a range of colours and patterns. They are a green company who have created a great green product, which I currently believe deserve your support. Let me know what you think of the pela case if you have one or if you are going to get one. Also, if you have seen any other sustainable/ eco-friendly alternative phone cases that you have been looking at, let me know in the comments below.
Updated: Feb 3, 2023

Hello Internet, welcome to my first ever blog post. I wanted to start this blog on an important day but also one with meaning that is relevant to it. Additionally, I am hoping by connecting it with a unique and well-known celebration it will encourage me to keep making more posts. For this reason, I am publishing my website and making this the first blog post today, on the 22nd April 2019 because it is Earth Day. I thought it would be fitting starting off by telling you about what Earth Day is, why you should support it and then go onto my inspiration behind this blog and my goals.
Earth Day was first celebrated in 1970 and is celebrated on the 22nd April every year worldwide. It is a day to celebrate the earth with significant importance of supporting and protecting the environment. Events are held all around the world with the aim to diversify, educate and activate environmental movements. Many people don’t just celebrate earth day but an 'earth week' with an entire week focused on environmental issues that are important and way we can make the situation better.

The importance of protecting the environment was shown on Earth Day by the signing of the Paris Agreement. The Paris agreement is an international agreement within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and deals with mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. The agreement was signed by a number of countries with the aim to reduce global warming and the negative affect on the world. Although this is a great start I believe this is not enough and we all need and can do more.
Earth day is a great way to celebrate the amazing world we live in and all its inhabitants. I am celebrating earth day through this article and raising awareness to every one of its cause and by starting my journey at being a sustainable, eco-conscious individual. However, I would love to know how you have celebrated earth day and what you have been doing to protect the world.
A huge inspiration for me to actually finish and publish this blog is the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Fight For Your World advert. I wanted to include it in this article, as I think it really represents Earth day and my blog. It has one of the most powerful statements I have ever heard “We are the first generation that knows we are destroying the world and can be the last that can do anything about it”. I really hope this hits home and make you realises we have a duty to change our lifestyle to save the planet and all its inhabitants. Being sustainable and eco-friendly is a step towards this and that is what my site is all about. Go watch the advert, watch it and give the WWF your support.

My Goal
I want to change many thing in my everyday life to be more sustainable and eco-friendly. I additionally hope to learn a lot more about the environment and wildlife and what I can do to protect it. I then want to use my understanding and experience to write article and blog posts to spread the word and help people join me caring for our planet. I wanted to start a blog to record and encourage myself to change my life for the better. I am doing this through a variety of ways from growing plants to looking at interesting sustainable technologies and fashion. Additionally, I hope to work on bigger projects to help create a better and healthier world. If you are interested in following my journey or want some helpful tips and advice on sustainability, gardening and protecting our world be sure to stay tunes on this blog for more.